The Pursue Your Potential Podcast

Are Your Structural Abnormalities Affecting Your Daily Living?

Taylor Episode 118

After being born through a c-section because of a breached (feet first) position and umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, Taylor was moments from death and spent a few weeks  in the NICU. She had a physical therapist briefly as a baby to help with a condition that she would have called "Torticollis".

Though she spent her whole life with this, she wasn't aware of it until her 30s while having a conversation with her mother about the pains she was experiencing. She also discovered through her chiropractor that she has a slight degree of scoliosis. These issues affect her from top to bottom and she's actively trying to work on the issues and pay attention to how they affect her day-to-day as well as her weightlifting and other fitness endeavors.

In this short episode, Taylor discusses how valuable it is to know of or learn about these issues with your body. What was your birth story? What injuries did you have growing up? What injuries have you had recently? What about your posture from moment to moment?

It would also be great if you could pay attention to these things with your children and let them know more about what their body has gone through. It can really help them as they get older.

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